New measures until Friday 18th of September
Students should limit social contact as far as possible.

Over the last two weeks the number of infected people increased sharply. Overall there are now 1028 confirmed cases of COVID-19 since February in the municipality of Bergen.
It was confirmed Wednesday that there were 257 new infections registered in Bergen over the las ten days, the most since the virus first started spreading in February.
The new outbreaks are mostly linked to student gatherings.
Because of the increasing number of infections it was decided on Tuesday to to introduce stricter measures for the following ten days.
At Høgskulen på Vestlandet, BI, NHH and the University of Bergen all on-campus teaching has been cancelled.
The following measures apply for all students from Tuesday 8th of September and are for now in force until Friday 18th of September:
- all private gatherings are limited to a maximum of 10 people
- all public events are limited to a maximum of 50 people
- it is recommended to wear a face mask in public transport and in every place where it is not possible to keep one meter distance to others
- visits to nursing homes are tightened
- internships for students are limited
- its is recommended to only socialise with the closest contacts and to keep the number as low as possible, all other contacts should be avoided
- restaurants and bars are required to keep lists of visitors
New guidelines for UiB, NHH and HVL
The following guidelines apply for all UiB students until Friday 18th of September:
- all tuition will be digital (more information on MittUiB)
- all students who are able to study from home are encouraged to do so, but the campus will remain open for those who can’t study from home
- student practice at public institutions will be digital or postponed, until further notice
The following guidelines apply for all NHH students until Friday 18 September:
- there will be no on-campus teaching activities, but there are digital alternatives in all courses
- the campus will stay open, but all students who have the opportunity to study elsewhere than on campus are strongly encouraged to do so
- the student association has put a halt to all on-campus activities and has closed their premises until further notice
The following guidelines apply for all HVL students until Friday 18 September:
- at HVL Bergen campus all physical on-campus teachings, except for skills training and simulation are cancelled
- skill training / simulation is carried out with a requirement for face masks