– Now it’s kind of quiet
How do you survive the exam season? Studvest has talked to international students in Bergen.

Exam season is upon us and with it comes the exam jitters.
Here is what a couple of international students had to say when asked how their exam season has been so far.
Avoiding a burnout
Jack Crouch (22) from the UK, is a first-year student in a master’s program in Physical geography at UiB. Since Crouch has kept it well-balanced throughout the semester, he is keeping a steady composure about the whole thing.
This interview with Studvest is a long overdue break from his exam, he says.
– One of the things that helps prepare me for it, and that I enjoy doing, is avoiding burnout: I usually take it very easy the day before an exam, he says.
Routine is also important for him.

– I sort out my room and my study area every day to get myself in the mood to study and it helps with clearing my mind, he says.
– Where do you study?
– I study at the university, mainly because of the social aspects. It is also a more or less a mindset sort of thing, where I am not cooped up in my room all the time, Crouch says.
– How is the mood there compared to before the exam season?
– Because we’re masters students, we usually use our master’s room to sit down and do work at our own pace. There was a bit of talking and catching up here and there, but now it’s kind of quiet. Everyone is dead silent in the room.
Attend all of your lectures!
Studvest went to the Library for social science, music, and psychology and met two exchange students from Hong Kong, Lai Ying Wong (21) and Stephanie Cheng (21). Cheng is a student of history, currently in her fourth year, and Wong is currently in her third year of a degree in psychology.
Do you guys have any rituals when preparing for the exam?
– Cooking and eating snacks, they said in unison.
Their usual go-to comfort snacks were favourites familiar to them from Hong Kong, but they were eager to share how delighted they were by Norwegian chocolate sweets as well.
Do you have any advice for other students?

– Do not hesitate to ask for help, Wong says.
– Attend all of your lectures, Cheng says with a smile.
Go outside!
Nicolás Mayorca from Spain (23) is in his final year of a literature degree and spends this time usually writing, reading, programming, and having meetings with his professors.
When asked about how he keeps himself levelled and relaxed during the exam season he said:
– Right now it is not raining a lot, so I am going outside, taking advantage of the weather, and walking a lot!
– Do you have any tips or tricks for other students?

– Try to not get overwhelmed, and know when to stop and take a break. Eat well and sleep well!
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