– We don’t want students to be alone for Christmas
During the month of December, Sammen organizes many activities for all the students who are spending the Christmas holidays alone in Bergen.

This year, some students will not spend the Christmas celebrations in their hometown nor with their family.
The student organization Sammen wants to prevent students from isolating themselves. For that, they offer to all students the possibility to socialize through many events and activities almost every day in December and early January.
– It is very important for us to have an offer because we don’t want students to stay alone for Christmas, says Marita Monsen, head of communication at Sammen.
Hundred of students are concerned

In November, Sammen sent a questionnaire to students to know how many will stay in their student housing during Christmas.
– Around four hundred answered that they would stay, says Monsen.
This amount includes mainly international students, but also some Norwegian students.
– The people joining the activities are from all countries and student housing, adds Monsen.
A huge variety of activities
Kirstyn Williams is a student activity leader in Sammen and is in charge of hosting the events.
– There are things happening nearly every day during December, but the most important dates for us are the 24th, 25th and 31st of December. We want to make sure that students have the occasion to socialize and to be surrounded at these dates, especially during the pandemic, she says.
From Harry Potter movie nights, to Christmas movie marathons, quizzes, hiking tours or parties at Fantoft Klubb, there are plenty of options happening for all students to enjoy.
Some cabin trips are included in the program as well. Williams, who’s in charge of the project, urges students to apply and join her.

– We have two trips in December and one in January. It is made for all to have the opportunity to access the great outdoors of Norway! And it will be full of fun activities as well, such as hiking, maybe swimming, cooking dinners, doing some crafts, playing games, watching movies, and more. It is not only about drinking and partying, says the student leader.
Corona restrictions are not a barrier
Despite the new corona rules, Monsen is not worried about that affecting the events.
– We don’t want to shut everything down. There will be a limit of fifty people for each activity and students will have to keep one meter distance and wear face masks. Also, we can welcome up to twenty participants per cabin trip, says Monsen.
Easy to join and open to everyone
– We are trying to make the program easy to join. And it is open to everyone as long as they are students, says Monsen.
Indeed, Sammen covers the costs of food and activities. It is important for them «not to depend on the student economy». The only financial participation from students can be from 39 to 60 kroner for the bus ticket if they need to travel outside of Bergen.
For the cabin trip, students need to apply directly on the form that is available on the Sammen webpage or on the Alrek and Fantoft TU Facebook pages.
Moreover, Sammen undertakes since last year a campaign of refund for Christmas dinner.
– Each student can buy food and drinks for his Christmas dinner, and we will refund them on a base of 350 kroner each. It doesn’t include alcohol. More information on how it works will be explained to them, claims Monsen.
– No one should be lonely for Christmas, finishes Williams.

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