Kulturnatt in Bergen
Last Friday the city of Bergen invited visitors for their annual «Kulturnatt» to experience Bergen's cultural life.

On friday, the 13th of september, the city of Bergen hosted their annual spectacle «Kulturnatt», showcasing all the different cultural aspects Bergen has to offer.
Starting at 18.00 o’clock visitors were able to take part in various events ranging from museum visits to concerts to guided city tours and much more – for free.

New Exhibition
The «Kulturnatt» poses as a good opportunity to check out the new temporary exhibition «Edvard Munch – the experimental self» at KODE 3. In addition to the «Rasmus Meyer Collection», the museum is now displaying photographs, short films and prints by famous artists hailing from Bergen.
Hannah Blatter (21), an exchange student from Germany studying anthropology and Scandinavian studies, was among the people visiting the the new exhibition.
–I especially liked the good mix between the different mediums of art and technology that are presented, she says.

It is the third year in a row that Russian student Marina Kalinichuk (22) is joining the happenings of the «Kulturnatt».
–I am really looking forward to having a look at all the KODE exhibitions as well as the Center for Electronic Art, she says, and adds:
– The event helps making culture accessible for everyone.

The KODE exhibition will remain open to the public until the 19th of January 2020 with an entry fee of NOK 60 for students.
Lots of Different Outdoor Events
There were many outdoor performances scattered around the city and along the harbour throughout the entire night, enchanting passers-by with demonstrations of cultural traditions.
The event was in no way limited to only showcase common Norwegian customs. It was also possible to watch acts from different parts of the world performing their respective countries traditional dances and music.
Mila Jagiello (24) from Poland, Wendy Hojková (22) and Karolína Šrjabrová (26), both from Czech Republic, decided to meet up and enjoyed their evening out together.
– So far we have visited Bryggens Museum and Schøtstuene. We have also listened to one of the concerts at Håkonshallen and taken part in one of the guided tours around parts of the city. We are planning on going to the Hanseatic Church next, says Philosophy student Šrjabrová.

Jagiello, who is majoring in Nordic Studies, added that there is a similar event in her hometown of Prague, however the institutions there all hold their «Kulturnatt» on different days.
– I find it much more enjoyable to be able to have access to all of the different events combined, she says.
– The «Kulturnatt» is a great opportunity for students who might be on a budget to experience culture for free. It is also a great opportunity to check out museums and events that you usually wouldn’t have because of their high entrance fees, says Hojková who is double-majoring in Norwegian and English.